Acupuncture Mat
"I do acupuncture. Because it really helps. It is the opposite of Botox. Botox blocks, and acupuncture moves." - Monica Belluci
Acupuncture Mat: Improve circulation, Increase energy levels, Reduced stress and anxiety, Improved tension and muscle aches
Introducing the Acupuncture mat. Designed to help the body release tension. This mat contains over 1,700 spikes which triggers endorphins to fight the pain from the spikes and, as we know, endorphins help relax and energise your body. It triggers the body’s innate way of healing itself, is an effective tool for easing tension and inducing a state of deep relaxation.
The mat also improve circulation, increase energy levels, reduced stress and anxiety, improved tension and muscle aches.
Relieve Stress And Muscle Tension
The Acupuncture Mat works on the simple principle of acupressure - When you lie down on the bed, its 1,700 massage points apply a steady pressure to your neck, shoulders & back, making for a deep acupressure experience. By stimulating and increasing your circulation you relieve muscle tension and pain, while at the same time rejuvenating and re-balancing the whole body.
After several minutes, you may begin to feel a pleasant warming sensation in your back, spreading outward through the body.
Peaceful mind, Peaceful life.
The Acupuncture Mat unlocks the benefits of acupressure to relax your body and ease your mind, in the comfort of your own home.
In just 20 minutes, the spikes apply pressure to your skin and muscles to support:
- Deep, restful sleep
- Healthy blood circulation
- Relaxation of tense muscles
- Soothing of headaches
- Relief from stress
- Relaxed body and mind
- General vitality
Relax and Unwind with Your New at Home Acupuncture Mat
Get the wide-ranging benefits of acupuncture without using any actual needles or having to leave your home. These mats are designed to stimulate pressure points in the neck and back as well as promote a healthy release of endorphins in the brain. People who use them on a regular basis not only report a deeper sense of wellness and relaxation, but also targeted pain relief, better sleep, and some even experience a meditative state.
How to Best Use Boom Calm
Simply massage this lightweight, liquid moisturizer into any area of your skin that needs soothing. It’s quick drying, and will easily absorb into your skin without leaving any oil or residue behind. You can also use this full-body moisturizer from head to toe to replace any dryness with beautifully hydrated, glowing skin. We invite you to try Boom Calm and see what this extreme moisturizer can do for your sun-kissed skin.
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